Integrated topic - Science and the living world

We are learning to identify living and non-living things

I am using the bears to explore adding two numbers together

Our Writing Journey - Term 4

This is a sample of our writing when were challenged to write a story independently from the teacher.

To write a story about a fun time with friends independently from the teacher.

I can write a story about a fun time with friends.

Jamie has written his story independently in the middle of the page (below my writing). He is working writing from left to right along a line while writing on the line (this is highlighted in orange). Another goal for Jamie is to draw pictures that have lots of details that relate to the story. This learning goal could be worked on at home when Jamie could draw a picture and you could prompt him through questioning to add more details (for example who was with us at the park? Can you draw them in your picture?). Using different tools to colour in would be great to develop fine motor skills (eg. chalk, felts, crayons, paint, water brush on concrete).